Product List: Materials Management

Results 51 to 60 of 123.

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Good to Great: Applying Lean Concepts to Healthcare

How can small changes lead to big wins?

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: GS1 Standards at a Hospital - Roadmap for Implementation

Learn about regulatory requirements and actionable steps for hospital providers to adopt data standards and improve supply chain efficiency and patient safety.

member: $0.00
non-member: $0.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Harmonizing Data to Achieve Excellence in Health Care

Supply chain plays a central role when it comes to leveraging data to advance health care excellence. Along these lines we will discuss the relationship between the key data flows of supply chain management information, and how the nuances of those data flows in health care organizations require a different approach than the current state of operations.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Help! I Can’t Find My OR Supplies! Innovative RFID Initiative Uses “Smart” Trash Bins in the OR to Track and Manage Supplies

Tracking and locating surgical supplies and their utilization is a challenge faced by most hospitals. Average supply returns for picked supplies is low and O.R. room in and out traffic to retrieve unavailable items is high, and significant staff hours are spent checking consumption and restocking and locating supplies. UTMC and DeRoyal have developed and implemented a "smart" radio frequency identification (RFID) trash bin (Continuum OR) that tracks inventory used during a case, charges for that inventory, and shows where items are located in the room in real time. Outcomes UTMC’s initial studies from 11 orthopedic and neurosurgery rooms have shown that “cashier” duties can be taken away from the circulating nurse, who can then focus on the patient, reduce the amount of supplies wasted and has saved their organization 2 to 3 million dollars.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: How Inventory Redesign Strengthens the Clinically Integrated Supply Chain

Learn how a clinically integrated supply chain can decrease the number of shadow supply chains, increase the number of products that go through supply chain, and give clinical staff more time to care for their patients.

member: $0.00
non-member: $49.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Improve Clinical Care and Financial Outcomes for an At Risk Population

Improve clinical and financial outcomes for hip fracture care using a standardized, collaborative service line approach.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Improve Cost Reduction: A Multidisciplinary and Big Picture Approach

Achieving system-wide transformation through scenario analytics and strategic standardization—a multidisciplinary effort

member: $0.00
non-member: $49.00