Product List: Learning Product

Results 31 to 40 of 106.

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Advancing Supplier Relationships: A CQO Imperative

Learn key tools of collaboration and operating principles, barriers, and partnership model takeaways to assist in developing successful and deeper supplier relationships to advance shared value among a network of suppliers.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Annual Clinical Contract Evaluations: Are You Ready?

The process of annual clinical contract evaluations can be time consuming and overwhelming, and supply chain has a unique opportunity to support the continuum of care as we expand our CQO efforts and strive to meet requirements.  In this webinar, we will discuss the clinical contract evaluation process, including government requirements, expectations and improving contract performance with the use of key performance indicators.  Attendees will hear firsthand, what the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) learned during their last Joint Commission inspection regarding the evaluation process and the effectiveness of their contracts.  In addition, DFCI will share how their annual clinical contract evaluation process has matured through the improvement of existing contract management technology to help automate the evaluation process.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Application of Lean Six Sigma to Inventory Management

This session is a comprehensive approach to understanding Lean Management System concepts, processes, and tools and their application to improving inventory management in the healthcare supply chain.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Benchmarking Metrics that Make Sense

Improve utilization of benchmark analysis that brings value by identifying the right metrics for your organization and considering the potential variables that go along with each.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Best Practices for Operating at the Intersection of Cost, Quality, and Outcomes: A Four Part Series

Apply CQO principles to everyday operations using tangible information, tools, and best practices for supply chain operations most tied to a value-based environment.

member: $0.00
non-member: $49.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Clinician and Supply Chain Teams: Better Together

Achieve cost savings through methods to increase clinical buy-in and adherence to supply chain decision. while maintaining a focus on clinical outcomes.

member: $0.00
non-member: $49.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: CMS Bundled Payments: An Overview of the Latest Proposed Episode Payment Models including Cardiovascular Care and Changes to CJR

On July 25th 2016 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed ruling which introduces three new episode payment models (EPMs) for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts (CABG) and Surgical Hip/Femur Fracture Treatment (SHFFT). The proposal also included a Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) incentive payment model and changes to the currently active Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacements (CJR). Join us for an overview of the proposed ruling and CJR changes, and how hospitals should be preparing now for the go-live date of July 1st, 2017.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: CMS Bundled Payments: An Overview of the Latest Proposed Episode Payment Models including Cardiovascular Care and Changes to CJR

On July 25th 2016 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed ruling which introduces three new episode payment models (EPMs) for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts (CABG) and Surgical Hip/Femur Fracture Treatment (SHFFT). The proposal also included a Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) incentive payment model and changes to the currently active Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacements (CJR). Join us for an overview of the proposed ruling and CJR changes, and how hospitals should be preparing now for the go-live date of July 1st, 2017.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Controlling and Managing the Capital Equipment Process

Learn the key elements of purchasing control and execution of capital equipment purchases is critical to leadership and success in healthcare purchasing and supply chain management.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Convergence: The Virtual Health Care Supply Chain (Re-engineering the Health Care Supply Chain: A CQO Thought Leader Discussion Series)

Supply chain leaders share their processes and experiences in managing non-labor and non-personnel expenses.

member: $0.00
non-member: $49.00