Product List: Marketing and Communications

Results 21 to 25 of 25.

Gearing Up for Population Health: Marketing for Change (print version)

This new SHSMD guide highlights the important role marketers and communicators can play in advancing population health within their organizations, and helping patients and community members make positive health and lifestyle changes.

member: $75.00
non-member: $95.00

Health Care Marketing Plans That Work (print version)

A comprehensive overview of the marketing planning process.

member: $75.00
non-member: $95.00

Hospital Mergers: Why They Work, Why They Don't

Identifies the core lessons and practical ideas learned from dozens of real-world merger experiences and applies them to the strategic and operational challenges facing execs. Now 50% Off - Originally $72 Now only $36

member: $36.00
non-member: $36.00

Put It In Writing Q & A - Advanced Directives (pkg of 50)

This newly updated consumer brochure encourages patients to explore their preferences for care at the end of life. In a straight-forward Q&A format, with basic facts about advance directives. Pkg of 50.

member: $25.00
non-member: $50.00

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Wayfinding for Health Care: Best Practices for Today's Facilities

Exclusively covers wayfinding at health care facilities. It can help executive and department level management plan, develop and implement programs. Now 50% off - Originally $89 Now only $44.50

member: $44.50
non-member: $44.50