AHA Hospital Statistics Annual Digital License

AHA Hospital Statistics Annual Digital License
Product Code: 725HSTATS

Member: $252.00
Non-Member: $325.00



The downloadable comprehensive reference source for analysis/comparison of hospital trends in U.S. community hospitals. Contains historical trends in utilization, personnel, & finances for selected years 1946-2020.
Data includes:
  • Inpatient/Outpatient community indicators
  • Expense per capita for each state
  • Utilization 
  • Physician models
  • Personnel 
  • Managed care contracts
Hospital Statistics is used by health care provider organizations, research and strategic planning firms, consulting and finance firms, academic organizations and hospitals for comparative marketplace analysis and trend analysis and research.
Please note, this is a one year subscription to download individual tables from the online Statistics site.  Accepting a licensing agreement is required for purchase and usage.
For more information, contact us at: ahadatainfo@aha.org.

For more information on our other products like the full ASDB database or query tools for the database check out our DataQuery product on AHAdata.com.
After purchase instructions:
1. Ensure you are logged in to your AHA.org account
2. Visit Statistics to download individual tables 
All sales final. No refunds or exchanges.