Featured Items

Optimizing Health Care Finance: The Facilities Manager’s Handbook (Print Version)

This handbook provides the financial insight, skills and tools health care facilities managers need to secure vital resources for their department. The stakes are high — underfunding a health care facilities department can cause suboptimal operations that lead to mechanical breakdowns, lost revenue, compliance citations, staff turnover and, ultimately, patient safety issues. Learn how to navigate budgeting, capital improvement requests and other key financial aspects of facilities management.

member: $195.00
non-member: $225.00

ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2008, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities - Digital Edition

The 2008 edition of ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities, is one of a family of documents that offers guidance, regulation and mandates to designers of health care facilities.

member: $46.00
non-member: $61.00

ASHE Sustainability Guide - Digital Edition

This sustainability monograph guide was developed to lead facility managers on a path toward sustainability. Whether embarking on a new journey or solidifying an established effort, the guidance will help define a path to sustainability in your health care facility.

member: $0.00
non-member: $35.00

Working in Health Care: A Guide for Facility Business Partners, Construction Professionals, and Subcontractors - Digital Edition

This book outlines critical information that contractors, subcontractors, and others need to know when working on health care projects, including infection prevention practices, utility system shutdowns, and more.

member: $95.00
non-member: $125.00

Introduction to Health Care Facilities Management - Digital Edition

This handbook orients readers to the dynamic field of health care facilities management, with quizzes and tips and anecdotes from seasoned health care professionals that will be valuable to newcomers, engaging to experienced HFMs and thought-provoking to other health care professionals.

member: $195.00
non-member: $225.00

Health Care Facility Manager’s Guide to Smoke Control - Digital Edition

The intent of this document, eBook format, is to give hospital facility managers a broad overview of historical and current smoke control systems they are likely to encounter in typical hospital facilities.

member: $0.00
non-member: $35.00

Best Sellers

ASHE Certification: Certified Health Care Physical Environment Worker Exam

*DO NOT PURCHASE MULTIPLE QUANTITIES. PLEASE CREATE AN INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT AND COMPLETE AN INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION. ONLY THE COURSE PURCHASER WILL GAIN ACCESS AND ACQUIRE CREDIT FOR COMPLETING THE E-LEARNING PROGRAM. Get ASHE certified and show that you truly understand the complex health care physical environment. ASHE’s certified worker program is unique because it is focused on patient safety and is the only certification of its kind backed by the American Hospital Association. This is certification test only.

member: $40.00
non-member: $50.00

ASHE E-Learning: ICRA 2.0: Improving Patient Protections

Do not purchase multiple quantities. For multiple quantities contact ASHE at ashe@aha.org.

member: $135.00
non-member: $175.00

ASHE e-Learning: Health Care Construction Workshop e-Learning Course

Do not purchase multiple quantities. For multiple quantities contact ASHE at ashe@aha.org.

member: $405.00
non-member: $475.00