AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Introduction to Benchmarking

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Introduction to Benchmarking
Product Code: 314OD0818A

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $49.00



In today’s value-based care environment, hospitals continually strive to improve patient quality and outcomes. Benchmarking is a powerful tool that, if interpreted and used properly, can be a useful guide in this journey. Supply chain professionals have the ability to access and compare data from a number of sources including within their organizations, across multiple organizations, and from national registries.
This session will provide an understanding of purpose and use of a benchmarking strategy. The importance of benchmarking will be outlined, metrics defined, and tracking processes explained. An overview of available benchmarking tools, data sources, and the benefits an organization can reasonably expect by incorporating a benchmarking strategy will also be reviewed.
Learning Objectives: 
  • Explain the value benchmarking brings to supply chain and how it can support your organization’s strategic plan
  • List five typical benchmarking metrics and define what is being measured
  • Learn areas of supply chain or service lines where benchmarking should be used
  • Identify three benchmarking tools and data sources including dashboards and score cards
  • Denise Hester, Consulting Director—Supply Chain Operations, Vizient 
This webinar was sponsored by AHRMM’s CQO sponsor, Vizient.