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The only official publication for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS coding guidelines and advice as designated by the four Cooperating Parties (American Hospital Association, American Health Information Management Association, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and Centers for Disease Control) and the Editorial Advisory Board. This quarterly newsletter should be an essential component of your coding education and compliance program.

Content includes selected questions of greatest interest to the coding community developed and approved by the Editorial Advisory Board as well as guidelines . The information contained in AHA Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS is valuable to hospitals, physician offices, ambulatory and other health care settings.

AHA Coding Clinic includes:

»official coding advice and official coding guidelines
»correct code assignments for new technologies and newly identified diseases
»articles and topics which will offer practical information and improve data quality
»a conduit for the dissemination of coding changes and/or corrections to hospitals and other parties
»"Ask the Editor" section with practical examples drawn from our coding advice service
Please Note:
AHA Coding Clinic will no longer be publishing Coding Clinic for ICD-9-CM.  For recent back issues, please search for Coding Clinic ICD-9-CM in the Coding & Billing section.
  • Member Price: $220.00
  • AHIMA Member $294.00
  • Non-member $350.00
  • International (outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico) $388.00