AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: The UDI Rule: Are You Ready?

Product Code: 314OD0614B

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $99.00



Standardized labels recently mandated by the UDI Rule are an important step but will not provide healthcare cost savings and improved patient safety on their own. Furthermore, EHRs and MMIS systems do not provide the functionality necessary to meet these objectives. Hospitals need a tool to leverage the use of UDI (Unique Device Identification) within their healthcare organizations to empower AHRMM’s Cost, Quality, Outcomes (CQO) Movement. This on-demand webinar will explain the many benefits the UDI system can bring both to a hospital’s bottom line and to patients. With proper tools implemented by healthcare providers, UDI will help to lower cost, and increase quality to improve patient outcomes.