Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Playbook, Print Format

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Playbook, Print Format
Product Code: 178600
Author: ASHRM

Member: $149.00
Non-Member: $199.00



Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a methodical, proactive method for assessing a process to identify potential problems or failures and their effects on the system or process before an adverse event occurs. FMEA is a vital tool that risk professionals can use to proactively assess new service lines, equipment, technology, potential acquisitions and many other health care activities. 

The playbook presents the concept of FMEA and the process followed to conduct an FMEA.

Chapter 1: Overview

Chapter 2: FMEA Terms and Steps

Chapter 3: Case Study Using the FMEA Process

Chapter 4: FMEA Practice with a Nonmedical Example