AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Advancing Supplier Relationships: A CQO Imperative

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: Advancing Supplier Relationships: A CQO Imperative
Product Code: 314OD0318B

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $99.00



This session will take a deep look at industries that have evolved successful and meaningful supplier relationships to advance shared value among a network of suppliers. We will examine the Honda\Toyota experience of working among their suppliers, key tools of collaboration including barriers and partnership takeaways based on current provider supplier relationships.
We will then introduce how Advocate Health Care has defined supplier segmentation and key set of behavior expectations that are associated. Specific examples of suppliers that fall into these segments will be provided that will illustrate how partnership value and behaviors are being exhibited today in driving better CQO utility.
An operating model as to how an integrated provider-supplier relationship is working today within Advocate Health Care will be shared as one vehicle in advancing the agreed upon critical work among a supplier and provider.
Finally, a review of the key operating principles that should guide these supplier-provider relationships will be discussed as well as key lessons learned thus far in advancing these relationships.
Learning Objectives: 
  • Explain the supplier segmentation model and definitions
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the supplier-provider operating model
  • Apply the partnership principles and lessons learned in your own organization
  •  Tom Lubotsky, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Advocate Health Care