ASHRM On-Demand Webinar: Accelerating Change Apparently: Using ACA as a Patient Safety Strategy

ASHRM On-Demand Webinar: Accelerating Change Apparently: Using ACA as a Patient Safety Strategy
Product Code: 322010OD23

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $0.00



This webinar will explore the value, methodology and best practices for dissemination of the results of an Apparent Cause Analysis (ACA), conduct a sample ACA, and encourage discussion on this underutilized tool. The webinar will guide risk, patient safety and performance improvement professionals to Compare and contrast Apparent Cause Analysis (ACA), Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to use the best tool for the best results to improve patient safety.  Risk professionals have many tools in their arsenal to improve processes and/or reduce the potential of an event occurring or recurring.  Often a root cause analysis (RCA) is conducted, which may be more time, resources, and human capital than the safety event or “near miss” warrants.  FMEA and ACA are two important proactive tools to consider using more frequently.