Product List:
member: $39.00 non-member: $99.00
member: $39.00 non-member: $99.00
member: $0.00 non-member: $0.00
member: $39.00 non-member: $99.00
This book will help you become a more knowledgeable and confident healthcare risk manager through the use of data and metrics, an approach that supports patient safety and risk reduction programs and initiatives.
member: $149.00 non-member: $199.00
The Physician Office Playbook will assist the Risk Management professional, office manager and/or care providers in overseeing the task of managing risk for physician office practices.
member: $149.00 non-member: $199.00
This playbook contains the industry-proven methods for Root Cause Analysis (RCA) through an enterprise risk management model to use at your healthcare facility. The guidance provided in the RCA playbook will help you achieve sustainable results and prevent recurrence of patient safety events.
member: $149.00 non-member: $199.00
This Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Team Member Guide and Facilitator Guide is for you, as a RCA team member or a facilitator, to understand the RCA process and your important role. When an event occurs, the RCA team will review the event, to understand why the event happened, and to decrease or eliminate a like event from occurring again.
member: $99.00 non-member: $199.00
The 2022 Aon/ASHRM Hospital and Physician Professional Liability Benchmark report marks the 23rd year of publication of this annual study. This report is based on the data from 105 participating health care systems which collectively comprise 29% of the hospital exposures in the country.
member: $269.00 non-member: $369.00
member: $269.00 non-member: $369.00