Quantifying Hospital Cord-Connected Plug Loads in Inpatient Areas - Print Edition

Quantifying Hospital Cord-Connected Plug Loads in Inpatient Areas - Print Edition
Product Code: 055592
Author: Jason V. D’Antona, PE, LEED® AP, and John Messervy, AIA
ISBN: 9780872589575

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Non-Member: $35.00



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The lack of empirical data on the nature of plug loads in the health care setting requires designers to estimate plug load based on simultaneous peak use of equipment. While this method ensures that the load will not exceed the estimate, it results in unnecessarily oversized systems and inaccurate energy models. This leads to missed opportunities for energy efficiency initiatives and higher life cycle costs associated with oversized infrastructure. This monograph describes a study undertaken to address the lack of empirical data on plug loads by comparing anticipated design load with energy intensity data. The authors hope it will lead to development of a guide to aid in the design and modeling of plug loads.
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