Delivering Healthcare to Hispanics: Companion Workbook

Delivering Healthcare to Hispanics:  Companion Workbook
Product Code: 166930

Member: $14.00
Non-Member: $18.00



This workbook has been prepared as a companion guide to Delivering Health Care to Hispanics: A Manual for Providers, Third Edition, developed by the National Alliance for Hispanic Health. The manual provides an introduction to culture and language, the history of Hispanics in the United States, Hispanic health status, and effective strategies and techniquest for working across cultures and linguistic barriers. Although it clearly represents only one step in the ongoing journey toward cultural proficiency, the manual is designed to help health care providers understand and more effectively respond to the needs of the growing Hispanic population. This workbook is designed to reinforce lessons from the manual, and help providers and health care institutions take the next step in their journey toward cultural proficiency. Many of the tools and recommendations provided in this workbook will be helpful to facilitate self-assessment, motivate initiatives for change, and support continuing education effrots with respect to cultural proficiency among health care providers.

Also Available:
166929 Manual:  $40 Members $50 NonMembers
166931 Manual & Companion Workbook:  $48 Members $60 NonMembers