Delivering Healthcare to Hispanics: A Manual for Providers 3rd Edition

Delivering Healthcare to Hispanics:  A Manual for Providers 3rd Edition
Product Code: 166929

Member: $40.00
Non-Member: $50.00



Health professionals need training in how to work across cultures. Assisting people to change behavior, however, is easier to recommend than to carry out, particularly in the increasingly multicultural settings in which providers are practicing. Althought many pertinent materials and resources are now accessible to providers regarding the medical and scientific aspects of health promotion, disease prevention, and disease management, little assistance has been available for those who work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. This manual is premised on the belief that health services and the science of health are moving toward increasingly individualized and tailored care. Being able to understand and incorporate another person's culture is a key element of delivering quality care to the individual. The manual is intended to assist health providers in responding more effectively to the needs of a multicultural society by being better prepared to provide services to Hispanics. It is anticipated that the positive changes that occur in the clinical setting for Hispanic patients will be applied in a variety of situations and adapted to other populations.

Also available:
Item 166930, Companion Workbook:  $14 Member $18 NonMember
Item 166931 Manual & Workbook sold together:  $48 Member $60 NonMember