Futurescan 2025: Health Care Trends and Implications - eBook Format

Futurescan 2025: Health Care Trends and Implications - eBook Format
Product Code: P127150
Author: SHSMD
ISBN: 978-1-55648-518-3
ISBN 13: 978-1-64055-459-7

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $48.00



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Futurescan 2025, digital eBook, explores key forces that are transforming the future of health care. The annual publication features the expertise and perspectives of thought leaders in the field on the following important topics:
Strategic Planning:
Building Your Five-Year Growth Plan with Jim Cotelingam
Scale and Growth Opportunities
The Survival of Small Organizations with Dave Schreiner, MD
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health’s Digital Future with Mike Rhoades
Reimbursement Rate-Setting Models
All-Payer Total Cost of Care Models with Tori Bayless
Disruption in the Era of Value-Based Care with Barry Arbuckle
Predictive Technologies
The Use of Predictive Technologies to Mitigate Hospital Workforce Shortages with Roberta L. Schwartz, PhD, MHS, FACHE
Community Health Care
Local Voices Can Strengthen Impact of Community Programs with Len M. Nichols, PhD
Employee Expectations Health Care
Employees’ Changing Expectations with Hanna Patterson
The publication provides strategic actions you can take to position your organization for future success.