Glossary of Healthcare Terms for Environmental Services, 2nd Edition - eBook Format

Glossary of Healthcare Terms for Environmental Services, 2nd Edition - eBook Format
Product Code: P057950
Author: AHE

Member: $49.00
Non-Member: $69.00



AHE is very pleased to present the newly expanded and updated Glossary of Healthcare Terms for Environmental Services, Second Edition. This is an essential resource for Environmental Services professionals in the forefront of healthcare support services.

This eBook publication explains terms, concepts and ideas related to infection prevention, healthcare reform, insurance, sustainability, waste management, business and labor,  laundry, chemicals, sanitation, general science and a host of others subjects. With its new content, the Glossary of Healthcare Terms for Environmental Services will provide useful information to those new to Environmental Services as well as those with many years of experience.
To help you get the information you need quicker and more conveniently, AHE is publishing this manual as an e-book. In order to access the e-book, Adobe Digital Editions (free downloadable software) must be installed on your computer.

You will only be charged for the amount of the e-book ($49 for members | $69 for nonmembers) even though a shipping charge may appear on the checkout page.

Once you place your order, a link to access the e-book will be sent to you via e-mail within one hour ("eBook Product Delivery Notification from American Hospital Association" from Order Services Although you will always have access to the e-book with the ability to view and print it, you will not be able to forward the book.