Introduction to Health Care Facilities Management - Print Edition

Introduction to Health Care Facilities Management - Print Edition
Product Code: 055562
Author: Skip Smith, CHFM, SASHE; Tim Adams, FASHE, CHFM, CHC, CLSS-HC; Chad E. Beebe, AIA, CHFM, CFPS, CBO, FASHE
ISBN: 9780960107308

Member: $195.00
Non-Member: $225.00



This handbook orients readers to the dynamic field of health care facilities management, with expert advice and quizzes. The experts who contributed to this book will orient you to the health care field, clarify terms that may have confused you, explain the many ways in which health care facilities management differs from most other kinds of facilities management and give you insight on how to succeed in your role as an HFM. If you’re a seasoned professional, this book will reiterate baseline concepts and expectations for health care facilities, perhaps illuminating areas where your facility can improve. This book, and the series of books that will follow, should be seen as a framework to pass down in addition to information unique to your facilities.
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Keep an eye out for the next deep-dive books in our series:
  •  Planning, Design and Construction
  •  Compliance
  •  Risk
  •  Maintenance and Operations
  •  Finance
  •  Administration
  •  Sustainability
  •  Qualifications