Featured Items

AHRMM On-Demand Webinar: 9 Keys to Avoid the Great Resignation

Please join us for an engaging and highly practical session with global Future of Work speaker, Kim Seeling Smith where she will share her proprietary model, based on over 5,000 exit interviews to help us understand what our employees really need to be motivated to stay and to do great work.

member: $0.00
non-member: $99.00

ASHE Sustainability Guide - Digital Edition

This sustainability monograph guide was developed to lead facility managers on a path toward sustainability. Whether embarking on a new journey or solidifying an established effort, the guidance will help define a path to sustainability in your health care facility.

member: $0.00
non-member: $35.00

ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2008, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities - Digital Edition

The 2008 edition of ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities, is one of a family of documents that offers guidance, regulation and mandates to designers of health care facilities.

member: $46.00
non-member: $61.00

AHA Trendwatch Chartbook 2023, PDF & Powerpoint Bundle

TrendWatch Chartbook analyzes and presents the latest in U.S. hospital, health system, and healthcare industry trends by combining AHA proprietary data with 3rd party data.

member: $0.00
non-member: $249.00

Official UB-04 Data Specifications Manual 2025 Edition, 21-32 Users

The official source of UB-04 billing information adopted by the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC). The 2025 edition contains the updated specifications for the data codes included on the Uniform Bill claim form.

member: $3,362.00
non-member: $3,362.00

Best Sellers

ASHE Certification: Certified Health Care Physical Environment Worker Exam

*DO NOT PURCHASE MULTIPLE QUANTITIES. PLEASE CREATE AN INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT AND COMPLETE AN INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION. ONLY THE COURSE PURCHASER WILL GAIN ACCESS AND ACQUIRE CREDIT FOR COMPLETING THE E-LEARNING PROGRAM. Get ASHE certified and show that you truly understand the complex health care physical environment. ASHE’s certified worker program is unique because it is focused on patient safety and is the only certification of its kind backed by the American Hospital Association. This is certification test only.

member: $40.00
non-member: $50.00

ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding Handbook With Answers, 2025 Edition – Print Format

The AHA’s ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding Handbook With Answers, 2025 Edition, is the only guide published in collaboration with the Central Office on ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS of the American Hospital Association—the most trusted source of coding advice in the medical-coding field.

member: $112.95
non-member: $131.95

AONL Online Competencies - Individual Self Assessment - As of December 2023

AONL Online Competencies - Individual Self Assessment - As of December 2023

member: $0.00
non-member: $20.00

ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding Handbook with Answers, 2023 Rev, Ed. - Print Format

The ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding Handbook in Print Format is the only guide published in collaboration with the Central Office on ICD-10-CM/PCS of the American Hospital Association. ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS are the HIPAA code set standards for diagnosis and inpatient procedures in the U.S. Available Now!

member: $107.95
non-member: $125.95