Product List: Materials Management

Results 661 to 670 of 697.

Policies and Procedures for the Health Care Supply Chain, 2nd Ed. eBook Format

Begin the year with a fresh organizational outlook using AHRMM’s Policies and Procedures for the Health Care Supply Chain, 2nd Edition. Updated with current leading practices, all policies, procedures and resource tools are downloadable and editable to suit your particular organization’s needs!

member: $170.00
non-member: $255.00

Policies and Procedures for the Health Care Supply Chain-5 users

Begin the year with a fresh organizational outlook using AHRMM’s Policies and Procedures for the Health Care Supply Chain, 2nd Edition for your team! Purchase a 5 user license. Updated with current leading practices, all policies, procedures and resource tools are downloadable and editable to suit your particular organization’s needs!

member: $775.00
non-member: $1,150.00

Practice Guidance for Health Care Environmental Cleaning 3rd Ed. 10 users (eBook format)

10 - Licenses - Leverage best practices and tools to create and maintain safe environments of care. This go-to resource guides users through what takes place in each area of care, details why each area may be high-risk, and explains how to properly clean and disinfect each area. Environmental services and infection prevention professionals gain an understanding of why specific practices and procedures are recommended.

member: $3,150.00
non-member: $4,400.00

Practice Guidance for Health Care Environmental Cleaning 3rd Ed. 15 Users (eBook format)

15 - Licences Leverage best practices and tools to create and maintain safe environments of care. This go-to resource guides users through what takes place in each area of care, details why each area may be high-risk, and explains how to properly clean and disinfect each area. Environmental services and infection prevention professionals gain an understanding of why specific practices and procedures are recommended.

member: $4,650.00
non-member: $6,525.00

Practice Guidance for Health Care Environmental Cleaning 3rd Ed. 5 Users (eBook format)

5 - Licenses - Leverage best practices and tools to create and maintain safe environments of care. This go-to resource guides users through what takes place in each area of care, details why each area may be high-risk, and explains how to properly clean and disinfect each area. Environmental services and infection prevention professionals gain an understanding of why specific practices and procedures are recommended.

member: $1,600.00
non-member: $2,250.00

Practice Guidance for Health Care Environmental Cleaning 3rd Ed. Single User (eBook format)

1 - License - Leverage best practices and tools to create and maintain safe environments of care. This go-to resource guides users through what takes place in each area of care, details why each area may be high-risk, and explains how to properly clean and disinfect each area. Environmental services and infection prevention professionals gain an understanding of why specific practices and procedures are recommended.

member: $325.00
non-member: $450.00

Primer: Applying the Principles of Supply Chain Management in the Healthcare Provider Sector

If you have come to a new position as a supply chain leader within a provider organization from another industry, or even right out of school, then this primer is written for you.

member: $9.99
non-member: $31.95

Promoting the Value of the Facility Department to the C-Suite - Print Edition

This monograph presents strategies facility professionals can use to develop relationships with hospital leaders and show the value of their work. The monograph includes real-world examples of facility professionals who have successfully shown the value of their departments to organizational leaders.

member: $25.00
non-member: $35.00

Put It In Writing Q & A - Advanced Directives (pkg of 50)

This newly updated consumer brochure encourages patients to explore their preferences for care at the end of life. In a straight-forward Q&A format, with basic facts about advance directives. Pkg of 50.

member: $25.00
non-member: $50.00

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Quantifying Hospital Cord-Connected Plug Loads in Inpatient Areas - Print Edition

The study compares anticipated plug load with energy intensity data provide guidance for designers in estimating a facility's design load.

member: $25.00
non-member: $35.00